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Desert Solid Stone and Plaster walls will not place on a second floor if no walls below them.

While I can see why you would want pillars to have a pillar below for support, not all levels of a home are going to be identical layouts from the first floor up. Removing the lower level walls destroys all walls vertically, even if they aren't lo...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Essence Trader in Abeyance Forest Realm convo is bugged

When you ask for trading there are no issues, however if you ask him if he has heard any news, he becomes bugged, and you have to restart the game because every time after that he will be stuck in the conversation and no longer offer trading option.
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Trunks e open options no longer exist

after winter update you can no longer rename weathered or steamer trucks with a name.
3 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Augments going through walls

All the augments will go through walls after the winter update. If this is intentional then so be it but it wasn't easy to get the augments in the right place and use them in the first place. If this is intentional it won't be worth crafting anyth...
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Realm/Card gone in crude portal.

My friends and I have a "community realm" where we built a town. From my estate realm, I have a crude portal to get to it. Yesterday, I realized that the portal was completely empty- the card wasn't even in there so I lost access. Not sure if it h...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Random Mystery Dude in House

I've been playing in a realm with some family/friends. At one point, one of them had visited and left the hair/mustache from either one of them or their followers, in the middle of a hallway. Now, my mystery headpiece was entertaining and I wasn't...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Cannot apply charm to bolt-action rifle

Cannot apply charm of the sniper to bolt-action rifle. Applying charms to melee weapons functions normally
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Enviromental Resist do not seem to be working.

So If your going to make a event with a cold debuff you may went to make sure your resists are working. I have searched around and this has been a known issue for a while. We crafted a set of gear with the main focus of enviromental resist and whe...
3 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Warmth Buff

While working on Joan of Arc's quest, the only thing I could get to fulfill the warmth requirement for the simple sewing bench, simple alchemical boiler, and refined workbench was a lit stave. Nothing else worked, even a lit simple cooking station...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Armor changed type and materials

My sentinal coat made from pure Fabled Humbaba t5 turned into a t4 sage coat made from a random assortment of materials including plant fibers that I haven't used for like 100 hours of gameplay and even fabled carnute which I have never personally...
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Open