An in game detailed Compendium in a similar UI design to the progression window that is used to track the materials found in the realms said UI would display materials by type and show the materials and their stats and tier materials not obtained ...
Please bring back low angle rotation increments aka precision building/rotating
When the game just started the turn angle for rotations while building was perhaps degree when using a controller. This allows you to hold turn and be able to turn things until they align. Now it's the same as mouse turning stuck to way too big an...
This is a small and foolish request, as this is likely being worked on already. But I, and others, need to make our desire heard. So please bring it back! (And possibly also different Brazier designs for other tilesets, as well.)
Currently I need to point to the Companion to revive. Even the slightest of moves of the mouse can interrupt that process. I would prefer to be locked in 1 place and have the duration pass otherwise it gets annoying, because it gets interrupted du...
"improved quality" materials do not work or the forge card is broken
Certain cards like the forge card claim to improve the quality of the items you craft. They appear to do just that, but the improved quality is an illusion that has no impact on final products. For example, if you craft a tin ingot with the forge ...
Greetings Devpeoples, This post is to request that you find some way, some method, to have Tim Curry do the voice acting for Victor Frankenstein. That is all. Kind Regards, Kahz
Refined Items Expanded - Community Theorycraft Project - RR Repost
Refined Items Expanded Greetings Devpeoples, This post is part of the Community Theorycraft Project. Something where multiple members of the community gather together to discuss existing and potential new additions to the different elements of thi...
Since the holiday update my controller does not want to work in any chest menu. In order to get it to work, I have to use my mouse click on my inventory and then use a joystick for it to register. Every time you exit a chest and re-enter You have ...
Umbrella should have its own equipment slot and/or hotkey.
The umbrella is such a vital movement tool that I feel like it really should have its own equipment slot and/or hotkey separate from the offhand system. Right now umbrella movement is so important that I almost never use a different offhand, and a...
Not automatically climbing after using climbing tool
After using the climbing tool to go to rock structures, I end up automatically falling instead of automatically climbing or attaching to the rock structure.