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Plant boxes placed outside are debuffed with "EXPOSED" why?

WHy are the plant boxes debuffed with the "EXPOSED" trait? They should not be as the plant boxes make no sense indoors, AND were used just fine outdoors ebfore this "major" update that seems to have bugged or broken these and many augments.
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Mystic Climbing picks cannot take an Infusion

Crafted mystic climbing picks, it cannot take an infusion
about 1 month ago in Bugs 0 Open

Cannot Login, Steam won't Authenticate.

I cannot login, I'm getting an error that says "Authentication Error, Cannot Connect to Steam. Please Check Network Connection. ID<blooming>" I am connected to steam and launched through both steam and the exe. I've attempted running both in...
about 1 month ago in Bugs 1 Open

Co-op doesn't work

I can’t find a Friend or any other people, I’ve looked through all the guides and nothing helps. Give a detailed description of this process
about 1 month ago in Bugs 0 Open

Forge realm card not working.

Hi. I played a forge realm card before smelting some Einaidia Ingots. I didnt get any extra stats on my ranged damge or movement speed. all I got was 12% and 1.6%
2 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Impossible challenges: Where have all the towers gone?

I've completed nearly all the challenges, but some are impossible in Realms Rebuilt: Exterminator: No Fae towers appear, even on Ascended maps. I;ve seen multiple complaints about this in the steam community discussions, so I'm sure this isn't jus...
5 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Abeyance site of power

First, part of this quest can not be completed. glyphs are missing.
5 months ago in Bugs 2 Open

Cant place a rail over a doorway

I was building a house out of crude wood and i was working on the second story, and it wouldnt let me place a rail/fence above a doorway on the floor below, i can place a wall there but not a railing, which is what lead me to bugreport.
5 months ago in Bugs 3 Open

Recruits having issue with Bhutan Upper Floor

I have been battling this issue all night as to why my recruit goes up about 3 stairs to follow me, then just turns around and goes back down and just stops at gound level. It turns out there must be a new bug with the way recruits handle the "no ...
4 months ago in Bugs 7 Open

Greenhouse Minor Card Effects Not Showing Correctly

Greetings Devpeoples, This post is to alert you to a bug occurring when crafting items using the Greenhouse Minor Realm Card. When you attempt to craft an item whilst this card is active, it appears that the bonuses will -only- show they've been a...
5 months ago in Bugs 1 Open