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Charm cord not craftable at simple/refined textile station

Charms need a "Charm Cord" that according to the mouseover should be "Refined at a Siimple Textile or better" but there is no option at any of either the simple or refined Textile stations to do this.
6 months ago in Bugs 1 Open

Wish the Roots/Bramble Statue at the Sylvan's Cradle Site of Power was more imposing

After finishing Sylvan's Cradle - Where Angels Fear to Tread, I almost failed to notice the Roots/Bramble statue on fire above, I sort of realised the room seemed a bit underwhelming until I noticed the statue on fire above. I wanted to suggest th...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Puck does not appear to other players

HI In co-op mode, Puck does not appear to other players when progressing quests even if we are in the same group. Forced to disconnect and reconnect for Puck to appear to other players. best regards
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Persistent glare on Shekiel fight - team mate was only see brief flashes

Looks like my computer decided to keep the flash that my team mates were only seeing briefly on the Shekiel fight at the end of Welken's Reach. Got the pillars filled with ore this time and figured out how the combat worked - heaps of fun, thank y...
6 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Building half bugged out

Came back off the beach with some supplies and im no longer able to see half of the building my husband an i built, im unable to place any other crafting benches. Hoping this restart helps.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

The machine that accepts the realm card by the storied portals is not visible

I can interact with the side of the portal, but i don't see anything that i am interacting with. There used to be a machine by the portal that you placed your realm card into and i no longer see that. maybe its not supposed to be there anymore and...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Fly Fishing

while trying to fish (full cast simple fishing rod second map tiny lake near settlement) i was somehow launched off out to E1 where i hit the map wall and fell into the ocean no enemies around just my fishing pole i was in the water possibly where...
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Glitter intensities keep getting reset

The intensities for glitter in eyeshadow and blush keep resetting when I click finalize so my character is stick with alot of glitter on her face.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Equipment Disappearing

When trying to apply an infusion to an advanced hunting knife that has immolation and recovery spells on it the game glitched and deleted both the knife and the infusion.
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open

Steam deck character creation name field not functional

When crewting a character, I am not able to use the virtual keyboard of the steam deck to edit the name field. Did not work with an external keyboard as well. But overall the UI and feeling on steam deck/ joy stick improved so much. Love it!
6 months ago in Bugs 0 Open