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Created on Sep 14, 2024

Wish the Roots/Bramble Statue at the Sylvan's Cradle Site of Power was more imposing

After finishing Sylvan's Cradle - Where Angels Fear to Tread, I almost failed to notice the Roots/Bramble statue on fire above, I sort of realised the room seemed a bit underwhelming until I noticed the statue on fire above.

I wanted to suggest that the statue be brought lower down, maybe scaled up significantly, or similarly, because it is such a good and imposing statue made of roots, it seems almost too hidden from plain view, that it's not even ominous, but hidden instead.

I don't know the sub-context in this scene, but I would like to give two suggestions, one draws towards the already made statue, the alternative draws to the ominous realisation of the roots, like how it was hidden above without sacrificing the subtleness.

  1. Scale the Roots statue up, bring it to the ground level, and place it behind the Site of Power at the end of the dungeon/vault. Place emphasis these fey are larger than life, because the statues in the open world are insanely massive, it's 100% worth it. Alternative: Keep it in the ceiling, but lower the ceiling down so we're forced to see the statue, and scale it up again, as if it's either reaching out, admiring, or cradling the Site of Power.

  2. Redesign the room, make the walls and ceiling almost seem "unnatural", but keep the entire room very dim lit, until the Site of Power is activated. The Site of Power immediately lights up the room with Fae Lights & Magic, revealing the room is the Roots/Bramble statue arms, head, and body, like a child lying in the grass watching a ant hill, so does this Fae statue entertains itself, watching the Site of Power. On activation of the Site of Power, it would light up the blue flames of the Statue, so it would make it more impactful in the moment. I will admit this is unrealistic, and much harder, but current vines would work well for this, and the detail doesn't need to be great, just enough to appear, then people leave for the future.

Other than that, a roots statue for home would be cool :D


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