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Nightingale Feedback

Showing 332 of 935

Would like aesthetic/cosmetic only minor cards

I would love to have minor cards that only affect how a realm looks so I could control the skybox, color scheme, and the like independent of the bonus effects. More so, this wish is also why I'd love to have the ability play more than one minor ca...
5 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 3 Open

Remove FOMO

Cheers, while it is undoubtable a functioning tool of online marketing, it is also a malicious practice in my opinion. What I am speaking about is FOMO and gating content behind time limited promotions, the good will of approved content creators h...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Feedback 16 Open

Companion feature request: Calling them and sending them away (temporarily)

Hello Inflexion, hi all! Have you ever been in the situation where you desperately need that ressource your NPC companion is holding on to for you but they just wander around, going about their business, and you have to hunt them down just to get ...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Feedback 3 Open

Using one handed items while gliding

One feature that I would love to see is the ability to use one handed tools and weapons mid gliding with the umbrella, for combat someone could shoot down at enemies from above when entering a fight or fighting a giant type enemy, for exploration ...
5 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

I'd love to see swords!

Since this takes place in the Victorian era, I was thinking it would be really cool if we saw dueling swords in Nightingale! I feel like the knives are a bit underwhelming and not as visually interesting as say, a rapier or a short sword. The main...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Feedback 1 Open

Add Reclaim Fibres Option

Greetings Devpeoples, As the post title says, please add to the Textile Station a Reclaimed Fibre option, similar to the reclaimed lumber and reclaimed ore options for the saw bench and smelter.Let us take the crafted higher quality fibre material...
about 1 month ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

Clothes Dyes

Clothes dyes. We need clothes dyes. They could be made from berries, plants, minerals like cobalt which make a brilliant blue, iron could make a deep red, Zinc for white, You could add more minerals to the game (like cadmium for yellow, red, and o...
20 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 1 Open

Would like to request the ability to Lock a Portal

There have been a number of instances where players have mentioned accidentally wiping out a portal configuration due to various circumstances. Would it be possible to have an additional UI element added to the portal screen (where the reset tick ...
10 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

Remove companion NPC building damage

yeah so the whole AI can destroy your hard built creation just because the creature suppression somehow wasn't strong enough and ya boi goes off and hits everything BUT the attacking spawn? AWESOME right? needs that option to switch in menu or som...
28 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open

Add multiple hotbars you can toggle between

I don't mind having the off hand system BUT it makes the game less enjoyable to play when I have to constantly switch out tools and items because there are only 5 tool slots. I would very much like to suggest that you add the option to have multip...
29 days ago in Nightingale Feedback 0 Open