I swapped E and F keybindings and both break as a result. "Hold F" for more options no longer works. Can't name containers.E To pick up all items no longer works. E doesn't work for umbrella either.
Went into the abeyance ruins of power, went near the room with the spawner heart thing and got a crash after shooting the heart thing twice with a bow...
On Quest to Destroy Sheilaks Yoke, it froze, the last column won't solidify, and the giant beetle (Sheilaks Yoke?) doesn't move and is immune to all damage types.
The fabled bear from the cave ran off while I was fighting, exiting the cave. I followed and killed it on the beach, but before I could skin the bear, its body rolled into the ocean. It is just out of reach. We should be able to use tools while in...
Used climbing picks and now my character is stuck in place, I can jump, use some weapons, but I cannot leave the spot. Using the "Help, I am stuck feature" teleports my character to a different spot, but it remains stuck and unable to walk off.
We made fresh new chars after the realms rebuilt update but now my wife's grappling hook doesn't shoot out at all. I've tried to rebind the key and ive tried to swap hers with mine but nothing happens. All other tools' secondary actions work, it j...
My farm consists of 216 plant troughs. 171 of them are planted and watered, but no plants are growing. Do I have to tear down these 171 troughs and rebuild them? That's no fun. An option in the menu, 'Empty plant trough', which allows the trough t...