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Add Full-White-Brick Regency Walls

I really love how with the new regency set, there are walls that have half stone, and half wallpaper along with walls that have the wallpaper on both sides. My suggestion is to have the outer "white brick" also be on both sides, to provide more st...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Add Target/Enemy Lock option.

Please add an option for target lock in this game. It would be great for controller users and very useful during boss fights. When fighting the boss in Welkins Reach how cool would it have been if we could have locked on the boss while in mid air ...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Allow support pillars to be put into the ground.

Currently, Supports can only be placed on Foundations. I have seen amazing looking builds where foundations have been placed underground so that pillars can support structures like balconies without looking like they are over foundations, but pill...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Request: Inventory Search Feature

Request: Inventory Highlight Search Feature for Player, Companions and Storage. Seems like I spend mountains of time looking for items. Never fails I walk away to find that I haven't placed all the food items in my chest, or I go bonkers trying to...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Augements selection improvment??

I like the new augments selection system, but I feel that it still lacks some QOL features to help. If you want to craft a bow with crit, and ranged damage, then if you don`t know which augments give that, you need to read possibly all the descrip...
3 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Make a tool's info more explicit/selectable option for "Advanced tool information"

Hey! I'm new and I'm loving the game so far <3 But i wanted to suggest this although I don't know if this exactly or something similar has been already requested or is in the works, but I'd like tools to offer more advanced information of what ...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

coop needs to be streamlined more if I'm playing with my friend give options to go to your crossroads or friends or something I'm tired of hopping back on to play im in friends realm i try to portal to another realm for mats nope im in my realm with nothing ive built or farmed,now on my server and having quests I just did not update on my realm, travel or build on there realm and i cant go anywhere because it will take me to my realm with less done and less advanced mats gotta wait for friend to come back on for my stuff, this should have been implemented already

No description provided
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Bramble Wall Enchantment Feedback

Greetings Devpeoples, This post is to provide feedback in regards to the late game enchantment Bramble Wall. As of current, this enchantment sees very little use, with the extremely small area, low damage, very late access, and honestly very narro...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open

Estate Cairn description update

Estate Cairn no longer says that it reduces/stops creature spawns in a radius (progression or build screen), and doesn't explain what "respite" means. The codex entry only says that it's a "safe area," not that it influences spawns or in what radi...
5 months ago in Feedback 0 Open

Mouse Wheel Changes Tools - No Option to Opt Out in Keybinds

The Mouse Wheel rotating between tools is terrible for me. There appears to be no way to opt out of this. I am 62, with arthritic hands, and I find myself inadvertently tapping / rolling the mouse wheel in the middle of most fights, then struggle ...
5 months ago in Feedback 1 Open