Foundation (Makeup) and eyelash extensions reappear on characters after exiting character customization
Impossible to fully remove makeup: foundation "coverage" reappears on skin after exiting character selection even if set to 0%. Eyelash extensions do they same, impossible to fully remove.
I am getting "realm card machine in use" when attempting to open a portal in my multi-player game. this happened after I had to defeat the Jabberwok which didn't spawn for me the first time. the other players in the world can use their portals, ho...
Gone through the portal to Magwytch Marshes for the first time this play through. Instead of the level 40s I is set to level 70. I don't even have enough ammo for some of the bound. I reset and restarted the portal and it didn't fix anything. I re...
Regency: what color should it be? Seems like Realm changes it a LOT
UPDATE: CONFIRMED. The realm VASTLY changes the appearance of the Regency tileset, even with NO minor card played. The screenshots below with dark grey walls and white foundations and pillars are in an Ascended Astrolabe Foreset realm. But when I ...
Online Mode is missing after game crash , login start with offline mode , cant go back :/
i login normal ... tell me anythingh from save your char Steam or what ever is crash .. new start ...authent... instant offline mode no other screen anymore
Nightingale - Follower uses potion every time you fast travel to Respite or Crossroads
Every time you fast travel to Respite or Crossroads, follower appears with around 20% Health, at least briefly. This causes them to use a potion unnecessarily.
When building outline may be green but can't place
When building multi-story structures and you try to place a tile, it may show green as if it can be placed but when you click to place it nothing happens. It is most easily replicated by attempting to build an overhang where one side of an overhan...