Dear Nightingale Support,
This is the second time in a week of gameplay that I've lost my entire inventory during a "base change." When moving from one location to another within the same realm, I organize my inventory and storage chests by emptying the chests and filling up my inventory with everything, then begin sorting through the items.
About 30 seconds after opening my inventory (with all items visible), the game crashes, and the usual report submission screen appears. I always choose "send and restart," but when I return to the game, my inventory is completely empty, which essentially means hours of gameplay and rare items (as I'm still in the early stages) are lost.
I also don't see an option to load a previous save or to manually save, which would be a useful temporary workaround while identifying the root of this bug, especially in offline mode.
Thank you very much for your support,
Mode | Offline |
Impact | It's difficult to play or progress |
Category Tags | Technical (Crashes, Disconnects, Performance) |
Realms | Welkin’s Reach |
Minor Realm Cards | Utopia |
Steps to Reproduce | Perhaps the only way to "replicate" the bug is to play in offline mode with the equivalent of at least two full chests of materials in the inventory. Then, by opening the inventory, begin sorting all materials and/or try extracting them into essence. For me, it's crashed two out of two times this way. |
This occurs frequently for me. My crashes seem to be a gpu/graphics issue. But the inventory issue is very frustrating.
In offline mode, it seems that player inventory, individual storage inventories, and building space are all saved at different times periodically while you are playing. I suspect all of these things are only save at the same time when you are exiting normally, or transitioning areas.
During a crash, or possibly a force-close, these saves will now be out-of-sync. When you load back in, it will load the most recent saves for these spaces. So if you just pulled a bunch of items out of one container and put them in another, and the first container inventory saved, but the second hadn't before the crash, then all of those items are now gone with no way to recover them.
In my specific, and most recent, case:
Needed more space for cooking supplies.
Crafted new container. (new container save point between points 2 and 5)(building space saved between points 2 and 7)
Unloaded seeds from cooking supplies container. (likely save point for cooking supplies container)
Reconsidered, replaced seeds, unloaded cooking supplies.
Put cooking supplies in new container. (new container saved prior to this point)
Decided to build a second container for cooked food. (building space saved at or before this point)
Shifted existing placed items and placed second new container, but needed hinges.
Crafted hinges (plus extra from yield bonus) and built container.
Unloaded cooked food into the second new container.
Inventory has spare hinge from crafting yield bonus.
Second crafted container is missing, shifted items are in their original positions.
First crafted container is empty.
Original cooking supplies container has no seeds, just the cooking supplies.
Net Loss: Cooked food and materials used to create the second new container. All seeds from the original cooking supplies container.
The first time I noticed this happen, I was moving a stack of Synchronous Lotus and was not pleased to return to the game and find them all gone.
I suspect the saving strategy for inventories and build space was implemented to reduce impact on game performance. I suspect it cannot be as simple as "save any time a container is open," as building and crafting can draw from any container. But there has to be a better way that won't incur loss from a game crash.
How does this work when playing online? Every time you open a container or craft an item, isn't the game client reaching out to the host server? How does the game keep inventories synced there? Could this be a doorway for item duplication exploits as well?