I built a house in the Abyance realm and cut down all the trees and stumps last night. I start playing today to find that two trees are growing through my house and the axe does nothing to them.
Mode | Online |
Impact | It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress |
Category Tags | Visual/Art, Building |
Realms | Abeyance |
Minor Realm Cards | Lumber Mill |
Hi there,
We're still looking into this but for trackability and to increase post traction, we'll be merging this post into another post about the same issue.
Thank you!
Same here. No minor card. It may not stop me from playing, but it is a huge time waster as I had to move my entire home.
I have the exact same issue. I cleared the trees and stumps and built a house in the Abeyance realm yesterday. Today the trees are all back inside my house and I cannot damage them with my axe. I have not used any minor realm cards.