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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 20, 2024

Automated Bishop Bug

I am at main questline and have to get the Oil from the bishop Left to open permanent portal. I have done Frankenstein quest line and mad the Nursery to offer the bishop. I have done it 3 times now and i only get automated Potion and no oil. Tried to clear all foilage, par my companion away so he doesent loot. No luck. I cant get the reward, only potion

Mode Online
Impact I cannot play or progress
Category Tags Quests
Realms The Gauntlet
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  • Guest
    Sep 22, 2024

    Same here.

    At this point i will deinstall it.

    The NPC makes me agressive (i revived this dumb NPC over 100 times (and got revived like 10 times?). Its running like a rabbit if i want my loot / no use at all, onliy anoying. This bug (potion instead of oil)