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bear boss sylvan dungeon - exploit + what on earth was I supposed to even do???????

There was a caged 1x2 room I was able to lure the bear that can heal himself into... I lured it in and spammed attacks until it died as it couldn't escape. I had an AI parter that also helped block it from leaving.

The bear went to heal itself so I was looking around for a way to defeat it (idk how to kill it the vanilla way. I had the potions to cure the diseases with me too. The trees were immune to my level 37 axe.) As I looked around. I noticed there was a cage I could hide in that the bear didn't seem to be able to fit into.... IT INDEED FIT INSIDE AND GOT STUCK WITH ME. I spammed potions and blocking untill I got out and proceeded to kill the bear the way it deserved to be killed.

For extra context: This is the boss bear you have to defeat in order to proceed to the next campaign realm.

Mode Online
Impact It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress
Category Tags POIs, Creatures/Enemies
Realms Sylvan’s Cradle
Minor Realm Cards None
Steps to Reproduce Just lure the boss bear into that cage to the left of the entrance. it's built into the wall
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