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Significant FPS drops can be seen upon selecting Random Lineage in the Character Creation Menu

Significant FPS drops can be seen upon selecting Random Lineage in the Character Creation Menu

Actively investigating


- Troubleshooting, logging out/in, not using the Random Lineage Option

To help the Development Team with this issue:
Please send us your player logs so we can look into this further.
Instructions to do so are here:

As logs can contain sensitive information please do no share them on AHA! or other public forums and send them to us by submitting a Zendesk Ticket.
You can submit a ticket by:
1. Stay on the “How do I get my player logs?” page or go to
2. On the top right hand side of the site select Submit a Request

Mode Both Online & Offline
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags Other, Technical (Crashes, Disconnects, Performance)
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    • Guest
      Sep 18, 2024

      I experienced this as well. The game seems to run at 40C in almost every condition but in the Ancestry/ Lineage menu when you have all the family members visible my PC almost hit 80C and I had to leave that specific menu several times to prevent it from completely overheating. My guess is probably that the higher resolution character models and lighting are being used in that specific menu regardless of game options?

      I also couldn't get every couple to have both a man and a woman so as to produce an offspring which would be needed if my character descended from them. I spent about 20 minutes trying random couples and could never get a full set that would be able to procreate to get my character. To work around this I manually went into each ancester and chose a portrait at random, but it defeats the purpose of a random button.