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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 26, 2024
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Plants Grows as Trees

I've cut all the trees including their stumps before building a foundation. Then I decided to create a mini garden in the middle of my base (its the planter box with marigolds and dahlias on the picture. right side). After I relog in, immortal trees spawns on my base. You cant cut it. Also the "collect" tooltip appears, when I tried collecting it, it collects my plants instead. Its all the same for all the trees in red circles. They all have collect button, collecting the plants I planted. Still, trees wont disappear.

Notes: I tried collecting every tree they wont disappear, I'm instead collecting every plants I planted. I tried replanting again. The same issue happens. I tried removing the foundation to try to cut the trees from the bottom, I cant cut it.

Mode Online
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags Building, Collisions, Movement
Realms Abeyance
Minor Realm Cards None