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Hunting Knives Damage Bound Hearts Irregularly

When attacking a Bound Heart with a hunting knife, you get behavior I find a bit odd and counterintuitive, possibly defective as I'll explain below. These are what I consider "odd":

  • Bound Hearts have a "front" and "back" side. It feels like they should be completely vulnerable to backstab attacks from a knife no matter how you attack it.

    • When attacking the "front", a knife will slash from side to side and occasionally strike the weakspot represented by the physical heart.

    • When attacking the "back", you can get the backstab animation with higher damage, and sometimes (I can't reproduce this despite trying) will get significantly higher damage as if you got a heartshot with the knife. I feel like there is something going on with the weakspot vs backstab determination here.

Mode Both Online & Offline
Impact It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress
Category Tags Creatures/Enemies, Combat
Realms Other
Minor Realm Cards None
Steps to Reproduce Attack Bound Hearts from every direction with hunting knives. Observe differences in behavior, especially when "behind" it, and try to hit the weakspot.
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