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Workspace Feedback
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 14, 2024


I will say im impressed so far on the rebuild BUT that said.. The spiders are insanely frightening.

They feel faster and scare the hell not just out of me but those in my stream. I am set to explorer and its not 'hard' but the easiest. I turned the arachnophobia feature on and it looked even WORSE. Can we change it to .. a ladybug? Or something? or a butterfly!! Then the speed would make sense. Sure it floats and I get not everything is to be cute cuddly or something. Its a fey world!

But now me, my bf, and our streamer fans are all feeling tense. Some even said now the game for sure is a nope.

Category Tags Other, Creatures/Enemies
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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  • Guest
    Sep 16, 2024

    I would really appreciate it if an accessibility option for people with arachnophobia were added, I love the game, but when I see the yellow spiders, my skin starts to crawl and I have a small panic attack...