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Controller left-right hand logic... is not logical

Its more a question of ergonomy, but the choice that have been made are not logical :

-the principal hand menu is visually on the left. the selection key is expressed on the left (the controller cross)

-the secondary hand is visually on the right. the selection key is expressed on the right


On the character 3rd person view, the principal hand is on left, the secondary on the right. The activation of secondary hand ( i m fighting two handed usualy).

So in fact its very puzzling as the navigation between equipement is inversed to the controller placement. And its really giving hard time in the middle of a battle when you want to switch of equipement. I m killed a lot of time because the layout of the controller is absurd. My reflex are what is left is manipulated from left, what is right is manipulated from right.

My suggestion would be to inverse visually the main hand and secondary hand interface. And to inverse also the selection controller navigation, that things would be logical.

Category Tags Controls, Combat
Mode Offline
Sentiment Critical
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