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Created by Guest
Created on Dec 17, 2024

Military clothing / Rugged base building

What i find lackluster thus far in Nightingale is the lack of dress uniforms, regular uniforms. And rugged base building material.

By that i mean, military based clothing, such as webbings or just coats. Metal helmets (Or gear that would seem to accompany the game's time frame.) And free placebles for your base such as, Sandbags, medium sized towers, palisades. And so forth. (I am clearly pointing out at magwytch marshes frontier towns.)

For being lost as either a civilian / or military staff. It seems quite odd that there's only just fancy dresses and outfits. While there's clearly been evacuations which might entail defenders also leaving. Along with the fact that there's colonies out there being defended by militaristic militia's or soldiers. (To push my point even further: There's even steampunk-like merc gear in the game's intro, or even soldiers.)

So its quite the shame that not everyone's customizations desires aren't met because of "No because this and that." It just doesn't make no sense to me. Especially when you (The character) Can claim that you are a soldier. Or supposed to be one. Along with the fact that even companies out there develop and create militaristic gear and even defenses.

To finalize my suggestion is. The fae wilds are dangerous. So why wouldn't you prep and protect yourself and your home if you so desire?

Category Tags Crafting, Building, Tools/Gear
Sentiment Feature Request
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