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Cham for Balanced Spell-Stacking and Spell-Tagging

With magic being difficult to balance, I feel like it would be beneficial for magic focused builds to reward this playstyle with a new charm.

That charm could allow to stack one additional power, for as long as the tool is held. (Make the charm only applicable to a single tool, such a sword for example.) Or for as long as the charm was cast from the same item. (No idea what is easier to implement).

I would also love for a new tagging system for spells. Like seperate spells into "Major" and "Minor" categories. Without the special charm mentioned above a Major spell will always cancel any other ongoing major spell. With the charm you can have two major spells active if they run for a certain time.

Then you could make other spells "Minor", such as maybe recovery. These spells do not interfere or cancel major spells.

As for balancing, throw the big, game changing spells into the major category and the weaker ones into minor. A dedicated mage would be required to hold their tool without changing but would get the benefit of two strong spells. This would for example compete with switching to a gun for some quick frost application which can improve the entire party damage by up to 100%. Compared to 100% more damage, holding another spell is IMHO not that big of a deal.

Thanks for reading.

Category Tags Crafting, Inventory, Combat, Tools/Gear
Mode Online
Sentiment Feature Request
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