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More options to hunt

It would be nice to have more options when hunting.
Such as, traps, that would be able to hold an enemy for a time in place, entirely on hold, possibly more than one, that can be thrown/placed with an item in inventory as entering building mode, placing, and then feeding with items, is a bit clunky in that situation.

If using a placement method, it would, however, promote preparation for the hunt and eventualities.
The traps would not break after the "allotted" time however, but would simply return into a non functioning state, and possibly with an npc follower even be reset without player intervention.
Possibly they could also be fitted with specially crafted bait, which can also be used like a grenade, to attract a specific type of animal or a direct creature (i.e. herbivore vs. Everhart deer).

Category Tags Creatures/Enemies, Combat
Sentiment Feature Request
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