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Tier One Essence

It could be that this is already in the game, but I haven't seen it, how about letting essence traders have a money changer abilty but for essence. Just an example, but it seems to happen a lot that items get destroyed and it ends up being easier to simply scrap them and create another. Admittedly the upgrade thing makes you might change it being worth just throwing away broken stuff.

I was just going through an assended realm and the shere number of the spawned animals just before the portal just beat the crap out of me. I wouldn't mind that as much, but first burned through all my tier one essance in repairing equipment before rushing in to let the animals run over me again (really run over me, it was the cross between an elephant and a boar creature and he'd brought friends) I don't mind respawning other than fixing items that take damage when you are killed. Once I'd used the teir one I had it meant I couldn't repair stuff any further and when the backpack broke it meant I could just stand there and get off a couple shots as I was trampled. Used the bail out to go back to my home, but all my equipment is broken and no teir one to fix it. I am so freakin tired of running around the first couple reals just killing stuff to get teir one. At this point teir one is more important to me that any of the others just for fixing equipment. Putting this down right now because I'm not wanting to go hunting for teir one and still frstrated by the the way they just kept running over me.If I could go to an essence trader and change out other essance for teir one it would make things better.

I'l admit I could have pulled the plug and gone home before everything broke, but once I run into to something like pack of animals takeing me out I can't help running back in to see how silly they made that part.

Category Tags Crafting, Resources, Inventory
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    • Guest
      Jan 3, 2025

      You can actually extract essence from your inventory.