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More diversity in unlocking new tech - Soul of the Game

I've been playing since EA release, love the game, and want nothing but to support it. Keep up the great work devs! Starting there.

I recently jumped back in after a break and realized what I couldn't put my finger on since realms rebuilt release.

I think RR brought us a LOT of improvement, the curated realms and story flow for starting out is great and adds a good bit of depth. But one thing I realized on this play through is I didn't have to leave my abeyance realm, or go past the first sylvan realm to unlock SO much in progression.

I'd sat in my starter base and realized I was just unlocking everything I needed to get past the groundwork and hadn't even seen a dessert or swamp realm, hadn't really adventured past one little starter realm and I already have most of what I need from t2 unlocked, and no reason to go hunt for things, it's just all there in my journal to grab immediately.

All this to say I think we need something to bridge the advancements of RR with the original formula to still give us a reason to visit the other realms (non-story) to offer some weight to progressing to our unlocks.

Even after realms rebuilt I look back and love the memories of spinning up a new realm and hunting down essence traders and having a reason to push for advancements. It was the push for discovery/adventuring that made that aspect a bit 'magical/enjoyable'.

I don't want us to lose that aspect of spinning up a new fae realm and seeing a bit of random but familiar aspects of a realm type because I think it was the soul of what made Nightingale so unique and believe the game would benefit from pulling that into the general 'new direction' while iterating on the original concept with more diversity/puzzles, variety, etc.

Category Tags Crafting, Other, Respite Realm
Sentiment Critical
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