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Created by Guest
Created on Jan 19, 2025

Please don't punish Free Play

If you are not familiar with the psychological background of "Free Play" and "Instrumental Play" please consider looking up a brief explanation about it on the internet before reading the following:

There are currently some achievements given out for actively behaving in a way that is actively unfreindly/untrusting/unjust towards NPCs. While I don't mind the feelings of Pixels, this will quickly lead to players googling the dialogue options rather than desiding for themselves since exploring and deciding on your own feels punishing that way.

This can be resolved by either of the two following changes:
1. Give an option to repeat/change decisions in some way (at least the once relevant for those achievements) even if it means doing the respective quest over again or doing something differently.
2. Give achievements for different decisions so that you get one. This option would mean you almost need at least a second character to get all achievements but it would lead to players not feeling punished for making the own decisions on their first character which I consider good game design.

Now I am not generally against punishing players for poor decisions but there should be an options to learn from it i.e. trying to repeat it or it should be very clear for people with brain and common sense what is the right decision. As of right now, there is a "perfect" dialogue option path leading to all achievements on the first run (as far as I know) which I think is bad game design if this perfect path is not clear.

Category Tags Other, Quests
Sentiment Critical
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