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Tie companion pickup to players own radius

Our own character seems to have an item pick-up magnet. Meanwhile, the companion sometimes seems to be off in the nethers pursuing or chasing a bear. It'd be absolutely wonderful if any items in our own magnetic pickup region were automatically just magic white dusted to our companions inventory.

Even just 20 hours in, I don't know how many times that I've cut a tree (see: Azazel battle) and have piles of loot that my companion should be carrying, but they're 30m away walking to me about as slowly as I'd walk there to bring it to them.

This QOL implementation would be absolutely incredible.

Also: right click drop from companions inventory please! Or preferably, the ability to drag and swap. When both the player and companion have full inventories, it's a massive pain to transfer lets say my pile of 30x corrupted logs to the companion if there is no room in either. Even if you tell the companion to stop following, sometimes upon dropping an item it will just magnet back into the inventory.

Category Tags NPCs
Mode Online
Sentiment Feature Request
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