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Building mode - Mass Deconstruction

I tend to replace and rebuild structures as I progress through a playthrough and have found that the process of doing so is extremely tedious. Without the option to build over/upgrade structures, foundations, walls, etc, we're left with the only option of deconstructing everything built.

The one issue is that the current method provided to do that is by holding X in building mode. This means each deconstruction takes however long it takes for that input to trigger (I assume about 1~2 seconds). Spread that across a build and mix in a little human errors and inefficiencies and replacing a build can be a 10min process of just deconstructing and nothing else.

My feature request is, hopefully, simple. Add in a mass deconstruction mode where you can highlight and batch select built structures and deconstruct all selected at once. I know pointing to other games may not be constructive, but Satisfactory has a great example of a mechanic like this.

Category Tags Building
Mode Online
Sentiment Feature Request
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