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New Weapons Examples Ideas

Katanas since we have pagoda tileset, 2 hand weapon, quite similar to swords but with a different attack pattern animation and a little bit more dmg since its a 2 hand weapon, same parry mechanic for secondary action.
Tier 1, wood katana, t2 simple metal katana, t3, more refined katanas each time with more details,etc

Spears,2 hand weapon, nice mid-range weapon, secondary action is throwing the spear, since its a fae world the spear returns to you after some seconds or after you click again the attack button.

Mini-revolver, a lot less stats than a normal revolver but its an offhand weapon, no secondary attack or aiming, just pressing F when you want to shot something, mostly for magic bullets effects

Double revolvers, 2 hand weapon, one revolver en each hand, secondary action fast shooting the 2 revolvers, some kind of animation with the revolvers spining in your hand? idk, just an idea

Spell, some kind of invocation spell, like maybe bounds itself or a good version of them, but in a way like you spawn them and they fight for you like your recruiter

Elemental granades, offhand weapons, fire granade, ice granade, poison granade, Lightning granade, small-mid area for a couple of seconds appliying each effect/dmg to all enemies that step on that area

Category Tags Combat, Tools/Gear
Sentiment Feature Request
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