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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 30, 2024

Magick does not benefit from critical multipliers

I'm not sure if this is a bug or intended, but spells and magic ammo DoT do not benefit from critical damage multipliers. They do about x2 the damage when creatures are stunned/prone (with Charm of Brutality), but that is the case regardless of the modifier on the tool that cast them.

For example my sickle has around x2.5 critical damage, my hammer around x2.3, and my hunting knife around x8, but the damage only does x2 for all of them (ignoring ice ammo bonus).

Materials like Star Ruby and Titan's Fingernail have magick and critical damage attributes. If criticals are meant to affect magick then this is fine as long as it gets fixed, but if not then the combination of critical and magick is a "tease" that gives you one or the other while making it "feel" like you get both.

That attribute combination also stacks all of the good attributes on a few materials rather than spreading them out, making most other materials almost pointless. Regardless of whether the critical issue is a bug, the materials should also be re-balanced so that it's worth harvesting more than just 3-4 build-specific resources for all crafting.

Category Tags Combat, Tools/Gear
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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