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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 17, 2024

Recruitable NPC, working at base

Hello all !
We have recruitable NPCs, which I'll call companions or friends.

The idea of having a companion in this game is fantastic. You can equip them to make them more tanky or give them gear to increase their damage.

However, I have a few things to point out. Their accuracy when attacking weak points is non-existent. I wish that, depending on the selected difficulty, our companion would be more or less accurate in hitting enemy weak points.

Then there's the fact that they can't use magic. I would have liked to specialize my companion as a healer, with a more distant behavior. Or make them an assassin type and have them always try to position themselves behind monsters.

Next, I noticed we have the "work here" and "follow us" options. I’d love to be able to assign tasks to my companion, like asking them to take care of my garden while I focus on crafting better equipment, or just ask them to fish.

I thought, why not have an option where I leave them at my base, give them tasks, and while I explore, they prepare everything? To avoid server overload, we wouldn't need to simulate a world just for the NPCs—ideally, a timer-based system would work.

I'm not necessarily asking for a full AFK system, like logging off and having my companion do everything. Though maybe that could work too, but at least being able to ask them to take care of the garden or fish would be amazing. And in combat, they really need to know how to use magic—not as often as us, but at least once every 5 or 10 seconds, so it feels more like I have a companion with me.

And please, add some voicelines. It feels like they have no soul. Even something like "Oh, what a beautiful day!" They need a soul. Please, give them one.

Category Tags Recruitable NPCs (Companions), Tools/Gear
Mode Both Online & Offline
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