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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 19, 2024

Enemy animations and attacks make combat frustrating

The combat by itself is fine and we have a lot of different tools and weapons on how to approach it, but in practice there are some things that make it frustrating to do so and result in an unsatisfying combat experience.

Specifically, the enemy movement is janky and erratic - they often dash with very short telegraphs straight into and through you or go off screen.

They attacks connect when it looks like they shouldn't, and they often attack off screen. If they are attacking off screen the cues for that should be clearer, either visual or audio ones.

Their models have animations that make it hard to aim for their weakspots. Landing hits on weakspots is satisfying, trying to hit an erratic point that doesn't move in any sensible way is less so.

Some enemies have very clear and good telegraphs for their attacks but others (like the melee dual-wielding dashing enemies) are either missing them or they are too short.

The companion aggroes way too far and often disappears chasing some enemy way out of sight or reach, especially in dungeons (could be due to verticality?)

Category Tags Visual/Art, NPCs, Combat, Movement
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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  • Guest
    Sep 22, 2024

    I've encountered the charging hippos on a tier3 world and adding to this, I hope it's actually just bugs and not by design because their acceleration is just insane. They charge instantly with no warmup, they always overshoot through you and there is no cooldown for their charge so they just keep doing it over and over again. They are impossible to track and engage in sensible melee combat and ranged is also useless since they can close the gap in less than a second.