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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 20, 2024

Remote Chest Access Point/Search Box

Item storage needs a better solution than chest spam. I like having chests around for the visuals of it, but going chest to chest to find specific things or to deposit all the things you just got can be tedious.

I propose a mid-late game solution could be a Magik box that when placed is able to "see" all the chests nearby and gives you 1 access point to drop stuff off and pick stuff up. Think AE2 storage terminal if you've played modded Minecraft.

The box should NOT be free infinite storage, it should still use the total storage "pool" that it has nearby as its inventory limit. For example if you have 2 weathered trunks with 35 slots each you will see 70 inventory slots within the access point.

It should be rather expensive to make but accessible by mid game since by then you'll probably be getting into a storage nightmare chest room.

Chests should be able to be opted into the storage pool just like how you can toggle crafting/building access now. This would be needed because the chests the access point uses would just have random stuff in them that the access point threw in. If you have some specific chests you want to keep sorted in a specific way you could have them stay as singular chests.

Might be too OP but possibly late game you could also make either an upgraded version or an augment that allows the point to work like a Pepys Box and be accessible accross realms to other Access Points that also have the upgrade.

This would greatly simplify storage access for the player without removing the need to build chests and furnish your house with shelves and shelves of boxes, which peronally I like the look of, just not the usablility of.

Category Tags Crafting, Building, Inventory
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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  • Guest
    Sep 23, 2024

    Please, at least for dropping items into the chests. I don't even care about pulling them out through the magic fey portal box. Just I can't even fit all the metal ores and ingots in one chest and it drives me nuts trying to empty my inventory across a dozen or so chests.