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We need better and more powerful quick stack

I have ~25h in the game so far and I'm already kinda exhausted by all the manual inventory management I have to do. It feels I spend more time clearing my inventory and sorting chests than I do actually playing the game, and I'm not even doing that much crafting in the first place.

There are a few mechanics that exacerbate this: extremely varied drops during exploration, multiple tiers of the same type of material and variable yield of crafting recipes due to modifiers. This all results in a situation in which you keep up ending with an excess of not only basic materials but also intermediate crafting parts that you have to constantly juggle around the base.

As from the UI side of things, there is no way to quick stack into a chest without opening it first, and even once you do it there's no way to use a shortcut to quick stack, you have to press it with the mouse and then Esc to close the chest. Even Valheim, with a much much less complex crafting system and like 5% of items that Nightingale has, eventually added "holding E when interacting with the chest automatically quickstacks your inventory into it and closes the chest UI automatically" functionality, I find it amazing that during any of the playtesting of this game a need for that never came up.

TL;DR Inventory management is utterly exhausting and I haven't even reached endgame yet, I'm only at tier 3 essence. We need better chests, better quick stack or anything that lets me play the actual game instead of a warehouse simulator even when I don't want to.

Category Tags UI/UX, Crafting, Inventory
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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    • Guest
      Sep 28, 2024

      Grounded also supports this. It's really a basic QoL feature now.

      Hot Stack aka stack to all nearby chests.