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Boomsickle throw wipes the Juggler buff. Please don't do that.


So i had the silly idea to put Juggler on, sickle mainhand, throwing knives offhand. And alternate between targeted Knife throws and the more general Sickle toss.

It looks really cool and is a lot of fun. Why do you hate fun?
;) jkdon'tbanme

A knife throw procs the Juggler buff, but then throwing the Sickle immediately wipes it - so it seems the Sickle attack will not benefit from alternating with knife tossing. (I thought the Sickle was always considered a melee attack? No?)

It's a minor thing but the sickle's damage is, well, not great. ATM my use case for it is as a caster mainhand for Quake, and going for curveball skillshots with the Boomsickle Toss on targets in the AoE of the Quake (with Charm of Brutality for knockdowns etc). Those hits are effective, but its general damage is, well, bad.

Letting it benefit from Juggler would just be more fun. It's still not gonna be the deadliest weapon in the world, but i'll feel less silly.

Did i mention it looks awesome?

Just my two ingots.

~ spacefiddle

Category Tags Combat, Tools/Gear
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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