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Jeweller (Gem) Augment Category Request - Community Theorycraft Project

Greetings Devpeoples,

This post is to supply a new Jeweller augment category that interacts with Gems in the similar fashion other refinement categories do for various resources. Gems stand out as one of the few material types that have absolutely no beneficial augments available for them, and their mining/harvesting bonuses are similarly quite lacking. As such, spending a little time and attention to bring this resource onto equal footing with the majority of others would be very well received.

As always, thank you for your time and continued development of this wonderful game.

Jeweller Augment Info

Workstations Applies to:

  • Masonry Bench

  • Smelter

Progression Menu Location:

  • Tier 1 - Smelter Tree - Branches off of the material Glass

  • Tier 2 - Masonry Bench Tree - Branches off the material Cut Gem

  • Tier 3 - Masonry Bench Tree - Branches off the material Focal Shard
    (Rearrange the Powerful Seals, so that Focal Shard branches directly from Hybrid Stone, allowing the T3 Jeweller Augment to fit below it)

Simple Jeweller Augments

Specific Augments:

  • Geode - Raw Gem x1 + Lumber x1
    A large raw crystal on a crude wooden stand

  • Bench Pins & Files Tray - Shaft x2 + Straps x2 + Lumber x1
    A wooden tray with several metallic files and small clamps

Refinement Time -10s (minimum refinement time is 3 seconds). Only impacts the following output item types: Gem and Gem Products.

Crafted Gem and Gem Products have x1.2 yield.

Refined Jeweller Augments

Specific Augments:

  • Stake Anvil w/ Brass Hammer - Iron Ingot x1 + Brass Hammerhead x1 + Handle x1
    A small iron anvil with a small brass hammer resting on it

  • Table Magnifying Glass - Lens x1 + Carved Wood x1 + Fasteners x1
    A magnifying glass on a fixed raised stand


Refinement Time -15s / (minimum refinement time is 3 seconds). Only impacts the following output item types: Gem and Gem Products.

Crafted Gem and Gem Products have x1.4 yield.

Excellent Jeweller Augments

Specific Augments:

  • Jewellery Stand - Filigree x4 + Cut Gem x2 + Carved Wood x1
    A collection of rings and bracelets on a decorative wooden stand

  • Engraving Tools - Blade x2 + Shaft x2 + Durable Cloth x1
    A set of small, very fine engraving tools sticking out from a tough cloth carry-case


Refinement Time -20s (minimum refinement time is 3 seconds). Only impacts the following output item types: Gem and Gem Products.

Crafted Gem and Gem Products have x1.6 yield.


Apothete, Kahz, Phylon, Shrike

Category Tags Crafting, Resources, Visual/Art, Building, Tools/Gear
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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    • Guest
      Dec 29, 2024

      Yes please. Obsidian tileset is beautiful but extremely expensive and time consuming to craft due to lack of gem augments.