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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 22, 2024

My feelings about version 0.5, About difficulty

Before the last big update, if I remember correctly, we had to play in certain ascended realms to find new materials and craft level 200+ gear, after which we could take on Apex bosses.

Now, until you reach the watchtower, the game feels too easy—you can solo it even on nightmare difficulty. But then, the difficulty spikes dramatically, not because the gameplay itself is more challenging, but because every single creature has around 10M health points, some elites have 100M, and bosses have something like 100,000,000,000M health points. (Yeah, I know, I don’t have the numbers, but you get the idea.)

I can’t even imagine trying to kill Jana on nightmare difficulty because of this. I decided to give champion difficulty a try... and it’s the same story: bosses have way too much health, especially considering we don’t have access to T4 weapons yet. I didn’t use the knife until this point (except for certain elite spawners, which also have too much health) because that weapon has always been overpowered. But now it’s the only viable option if you don’t want to spend 4 hours taking down a boss. All T3 weapons deal around 10–30k damage, but the knife, while only doing about 5k normally, can suddenly hit for 200k on crits, and over 400k with the Momentum charm.

Please consider revisiting these numbers. Lowering the knife’s critical hit multipliers would be a good start, because right now it’s a joke. Also, reduce the health points of enemies. Currently, higher difficulties mean enemies deal more damage, and that’s perfectly fine. They hit for about 2x or 4x damage, which is manageable. But their health...

Difficulty x2 → Health x2: seems fair.
Difficulty x2 → Health x100: nope!

There are a lot of weird number issues like this in the game. Please, I’m not saying this to be rude or insulting, but you really need a professional to look into this specific aspect. It would be a significant improvement for the game.

Category Tags Difficulty
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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