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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 24, 2024

Regarding Yield multipliers -- alternate way to handle them

Currenlty, Yield multipliers are extremely clumsy.

-The Multiplier is on the number of crafts, not the actual yield

-When you are making just a small quantity of stuff (e.g., an axe head you might use only once in crafting), it results in an unnecessary clutter of extras.

-There is an unreasonable and implausible amount of material multiplication. Each step basically multiplies the amount of material. This is like each step of cooking or processing food literally creates more food out of thin air.


(1) Change the Yield Bonus into a Materials Reduction. So a 20% reduction means if you use 2 units of Ore, only 1.6 units of Ore are consumed.

(2) Any crafting station can benefit from any Augmentations that have Materials Reduction so that if a craft uses mixed materials (e.g., wood and ore), the required amount of both types of materials can potentially be reduced.

(3) ONLY "basic materials" can have their required quantity reduced. So you can reduce the amount of wood that is converted into Lumber, but Lumber is not a "basic material" but a "refined material" so the required amount of Lumber cannot be reduced.

(4) Fractional amounts are allowed. For example if there is a 20% reduction to Ore and the recipe requires 2 units of Ore, only 1.6 units are actually required and consumed. The remaining 0.4 units of Ore is a fractional and unusable amount. Over time, fractional amounts will compile into a full unit what can be used normally.

Category Tags Crafting
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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