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Desert biome environmental effects

Imo there's a lot of wasted potential with the desert biome's environmental effects and general atmosphere.

**Visual effects**

The dust effects in sand environments look kinda odd. They puff up in small bursts and vanish almost immediately. They look kinda like footsteps but not exactly like what they try to represent.
Imo the effect would look much better with a longer duration a wider particle effect (kinda like a wide wave on the ocean) and longer/softer fade-outs. I'd also love to see some swirly dust devil-like variations. Generally, the dust effects should probably be a bit slower.

I also noticed that the current particle effects seem to pop up much more frequently in uneven areas while the flat open plains seem to spawn fewer of them. Those areas in particular look very dull.

The footstep effect for elephants also seems to pop up and disappear too fast and in too small of an area.

I'm a big fan of the mirage effects. It's great that you have those but they're too subtle imo. They sometimes look like bad antialiasing because they often appear as really thin lines.

Lastly, I'd love to see some flickering air effects over rocky areas and in the far distance (similar to how the air flickers over metal surfaces on a hot day). I think that would really improve the panoramic views. Right now they look a bit like a painted canvas - very impressive but too static.

**Sound effects**

The desert sound effects seem rather weak. There are some very quiet wind sounds (I think?) but often it just feels like walking on an airless moon. I'd enjoy some more pronounced wind and the occasional light howling. The sounds of sand gently trickling, rustling and shifting could also add to the atmosphere.

I recently played around with minor cards and stuck with the Settler card. It seems to add some rather monotonous insect/bird chirping and the constant rumble of a distant storm that never comes. It feels fairly out of place, honestly.

I hope this doesn't sound too negative overall but I do think that deserts need the most work out of the current biomes when it comes to the effects and sounds.

Cheers o/

Category Tags Visual/Art
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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    • Guest
      Sep 25, 2024

      Another minor suggestion

      Some "sandstorms" (aka slow-moving, brown clouds, low to the ground) far outside the map should also look quite impressive. The player would never get to interact with them of course but as a rare-ish occurrence, they would probably be very atmospheric.