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"Keep the Beast at Bay" and Apex Vaults at The Watch

Recommend a rework of Apex Vaults at The Watch:

  • When you enter a Vault, others may already be partway through and you are just chasing after them to get to the boss

  • Boss does not seem scaled for the number of combatants

Recommend the following changes:

  • Delete the "Vault" part of Apex Vaults and just enter into a lobby (the room before the drop-down to the boss) and have the boss fight.

  • Boss has an array of attacks, but doesn't use the full range:

    • If there is only one player, boss just uses 1 special move.

    • If there are more players, boss adds one move to its repetoire per player.

  • Bigger/longer Vaults can be a type of card for players to open Public or private for solo/co-op.

With these changes, players can complete the quest and proceed no matter what the game population for matchmaking.

Category Tags Quests
Mode Online
Sentiment Critical
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