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Enemy Spawn mechanic limited

I love this game very much, my favorite. However, enemies spawn way too close to the player. (bound ones)

This has a number of Disadvantages:

  • Ranged combat becomes more difficult, especially with bolt action rifle

  • Less strategic options to approach an infestation / Enemies position

  • no need for defensive structures or traps as enemies never come on their own

  • no attacks on player home/ general player position

  • Defense and aid missions are close combat as enemies spawn 3m away from the target (often behind the blockades the people have build)

I think that there is a lot of lost potential, which can easily be leveraged by adjusting the distance of enemy spawn. Also, roaming enemies (maybe along roads, or specific paths) would make the realm more alive. Add in traps and defenses, and we have a way more dynamic combat that is more than Rush in and hack.

Category Tags Creatures/Enemies, Combat
Mode Offline
Sentiment Critical
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