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Workspace Feedback
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 29, 2024

Missing being able to see what food you craft

Prior to the big update you were able to put your consumables in your toolbar and, when highlighted, you got to see the beautiful model as your character would physically hold said item. With the consumable wheel now it feels more disconnected to that aspect earlier versions of the game had. I personally enjoyed seeing the beautiful glass bottles for juices, the wooden thermos for soups, and the silly yet enjoyable model of fish wrapped in a big leaf. I understand the wheel does allow for a bit of separation with the inventory system, as well as off-hand items, but it feels as if a bit of that "character" was lost by removing said system. It also feels a bit of a shame that all that model work will now be no longer visible and that hard work pushed aside.

Category Tags Crafting, Other, Inventory
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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