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Workspace Feedback
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 29, 2024

Suggested side quests for The Watch

Once the player has talked to various key NPCs from the Watch per Quartermain's instruction, the NPCs could give some repeatable side quests.

A simple one could be Supply missions which ask for themed groups of items, e.g.

  • Food - Raw foodstuffs or some mass-cooked items that can keep for a while such as Breads

  • Potions - An assortment of potions in large quantity

  • Guns and especially ammunition

  • Tools with magic enchantments like Oberon's or Regrowth

  • Combat tools with Recovery or buff enchantments

Depending on the Tier of the items, different Essence is awarded, e.g., Tier 3 items could award small amounts of T4 but Tier 2 items could award T3 instead.

This can let players do some meaningful crafting instead of constantly doing POIs or killing monsters.

Category Tags Quests
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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