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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 30, 2024

More plants and crops, Fae and normal. and fish you can keep alive.

More vegetables and fruits. and even different tea sorts of tea.

and even more flowers.
Ragged Lady for example (Personal Favorite)

Fae Flowers and Fae Crops ones.
Fae flowers and crops are with magick properties and look magical. and different then the normal ones.
think screaming cabbage (does not scream untill used in combat to distract enemies)
or giant pumpkins not super giant but imagine it to be half the size of the size of a mini fridge. that can double as lantern when you use it at a crafting table in combination with a candle make the plants useable in crafting too please.

classify them as Fae Flowers in the flower category or Fae Vegetables in the vegetables category. as the subcategory.

vegetables, fruits, tea, and flowers.

even Water Flowers.

with specialized Water planters of course.

think of Fae Sea Weed that has a magical glow them or Magic Coral that helps breed normal and Fae fish.

Aquariums in the style of the house with real glass in them and a light of course.
the glass tint depends on what glass you use. i mean even fish enjoy a blue light filter.

Category Tags Farming
Mode Both Online & Offline
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