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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 30, 2024

Different rooms, Decorations and wall display cases.

Have actual room related things. toilets, sinks, floor tiles and wallpapers, even wall paints and wall tiles. in the styles of the houses.
kitchen blocks, magic fridges.

functional toilets, and sinks, (functional is optional)
wall cabinets then when you place an item in its shows the item.

Mountable display cases for on the walls.
that can display every thing.
not just weapons.
if i place for example a Delphinium in. it shows a Delphinium on display.

decoration that can fit in bookshelves and on the wall shelves.
and books, what good are the bookshelves without some books.

have windowsills that can also hold little things like small lights or bigger things like the berserker shield for example.

being able craft an easel and "paint" (generate with a paintbrush moving on the paper or coal/pencil stick in oil paint style or coal sketches, thick line pencil sketches) on canvas or paper and frame them as wall decoration.

with a proper wood frame that looks different depending on what wood you use for the frame, and a glass panel which also changes color depending on what glass you have used.

Category Tags Crafting, Building
Mode Both Online & Offline
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