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Something is wrong with the quest text for Antonia Maury.

Please check the text for this quest, is it really self-explanatory, or at least a hint, that the solution is activate the sphere and jump out of the window?

The quest text say: "Antonia Maury search for an alternate way in the observatory " or something like this. I don't think that "alternate" means turn off the shield for a lot of users.

I run around and:

  • found a mine at the bottom of the observatory. (maybe another way?)

  • This both seats looks like these both seats in the hole. (some kind of beaming?)

  • I tried to turn the middle axis of the observatory.

  • My foolish action was that I try to reach the "second observatory". If you stand at the ground, the start point of this realm looks like an observatory too.

  • Yes, I activated this sphere, but the hole looks like before.

  • I run around everywhere in the realm.

  • after 3 or 4 hours, I used Discord. ...

Category Tags Quests
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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