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Change to a minecraft style hotbar

I mentioned this back at initial release, but youre hotbar style is poorly designed. With some new additions in combat with new bosses etc being able to quickly switch(THE RADIAL IS NOT QUICKLY) you need one hotbar and a single offhand and be able to move left or right on the hotbar not two hotbars for no reason whats so ever. there is absolutly no reason to have three offhand slots. this is a 100% must change cause if not you say F you to all controller players. Don't reinvent the wheel whenever there is already a great one to be used. the game is an awesome game but this hotbar makes shit more difficult than it should be all because bad game design

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    • Guest
      Sep 16, 2024
      I disagree. You're on about not "reinventing the wheel," but that is not what's happening here. There aren't enough survival games that properly utilise offhand items for there to be a gold standard. Also, minecraft is very different, you don't need to change up your offhand item anywhere near as much as in nightingale. And finally, nightingale is PC only, so using a Controller is a choice. Controllers come with disadvantages, if you don't like them, don't use one. Don't force all the keyboard and mouse players to loose out.