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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 14, 2024

Just want to say thank you. That new update changed the game.

Omg I must say that updates changed so much. Just yesterday and today I had time to play a little, little over 5h. But I have more gear and, in general, progress after 5h, more than before at 40h. sitting half of that time before sitting was sitting in on the codex or on a journey to check how to build stuff and keep walking the whole map to traders. It feels so much more complete now. It guides you a little more, but it's still very pleasurable, even if I knew that game pretty good before. And the first boss in the tower gave way more satisfaction because before 80% of time it was that laser knight, I was just hiding under the stairs and shooting him because he couldn't reach me I could keep texting more and more, but my point is that the patch makes that game way more complete and it gives way more pleasure. For now, I haven't had any frustrating feelings which were easy to have before because all the information was so hidden from the player.I'm really happy and it's really nice to discover the game again.

the only change I would do is to bring back sources in the search. I used to searching how to make a buttons, thread, twine etc so when I forgot sometimes it was showing me on what bench I can make them. It's not a thing now, or it works somehow else than it did before

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