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Workspace Feedback
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 13, 2024

Accessibility/Gameplay Options:: 3rd person camera heights slider/position

It's lovely we have a 3rd person option, but for some that easily feel claustrophobic in games, the camera feels FAR too low. Being at eye level in 1st person, but chest/shoulder level in 3rd causes a bit of claustrophobia, disorientation, and/or a disconnect with the character. It also causes the player to have to crane up to melee any enemy that is even a little above shoulder height. But since I'm sure many may have a preference for a shoulder height camera in 3rd person, an option in the "Gameplay" settings seems like a great fix! Along with a height slider to head height or perhaps higher for those that prefer it, there could be a setting to adjust the camera's position horizontally—either a drop-down (Left, Right, Center) or another slider for maximum player comfort and customization of the 3rd person camera! :3

Category Tags UI/UX
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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