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Created by Guest
Created on Oct 13, 2024

Tool/Weapon sheath options

Currently sheathing kinda only works one-ish way, if you have an off-hand tool/weapon and a main hand tool/weapon (duel-wielding) you put both away and tapping again brings both back out. if you have a two-handed weapon you put the two handed weapon away and take out your off hand tool/weapon and pressing your sheath key again ONLY takes out your off-hand tool/weapon again, but NOT your two-handed weapon. This forces players to either press the corresponding number key OR use the mouse scroll to move to a different slot and back again.

I purpose a NEW function; a HOLD option. In which holding your sheath key puts away and brings out any two-handed tool/weapon; and tapping can be used to swap a two-handed and an off-hand tool/weapon if you have one of the other in your hands. Having an off-hand tool/weapon and a main-hand tool/weapon (duel-wielding) could simply function as it already does (as well as working if you HOLD the key, of course). This primarily solves the problem of not being able to take your two-handed weapon back out without extra steps.

Category Tags UI/UX, Tools/Gear
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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