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Created by Guest
Created on Oct 25, 2024

Freeform cooking

Instead of specific recipes, allow freeform cooking where the player learns how to use each ingredient and separately learns how to make more complex dishes.

  • Each time the player uses an ingredient in cooking, they add some experience to how to use that ingredient, until they are "proficient". Until then, there is a chance that they will ruin the element in the dish, reducing its stat contribution to zero in the dish.

  • Cooking is learnt in stages where the player slowly learns to combine more and more ingredients.

    • Raw food might only contribute 50% of its stat values.

    • Basic cooking or preparation is one ingredient only and brings out 100% of the ingredient's stat values.

    • More advanced cooking lets the player combine more ingredients at a time, and successful cooking adds all the stat values of the ingredients used. Once the player has learned one-ingredient cooking they can advance to try two-ingredient cooking, then three-ingredient, etcetera, with each stage requiring more learning-by-doing.

    • Failing a halves the total stats (in addition to taking into account whether the player failed to properly use each ingredient).

  • Certain combinations are "traditional recipes" that can be learned from player background or NPCs, and trying to make that specific recipe can provide a bonus to success as well as a small bonus to final stats.

    • If the player doesn't have all the ingredients for a traditional recipe, the freeform cooking still allows them to mash together something palatable with what they have.

  • If the net Hunger Mitigation exceeds 80%, halve it and produce more portions instead -- half the hunger and buff duration. This way, food won't be at or over 100 Hunger mitigation, which usually results in wasted food.

Category Tags Crafting
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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