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Skinning Not Working Consistently

Skinning is not entirely reliable. In every Realm so far, I occasionally have problems skinning a mob.It is by far most pronounced in Swamps. I find it helps to move around, gather anything under or next to the mob (rocks, plants, etc) but this do...
6 months ago in Bugs 11 Under Investigation

Fishing Rating Stat Not Affecting Fish Catch Rate

After conducting thorough testing over 2,500 fishing attempts in Nightingale, I’ve observed that the fishing rating stat doesn’t seem to function as intended. Whether I used a fishing rating of 3 or 197, the catch rate for rare fish remained consi...
6 months ago in Bugs 4 Under Investigation

Growing Grains

Not sure if its a bug or not, but you cannot grow Oats. There is neither an option to extract seed from oats nor an option to plant them. its a smaa thing, but it is an annoyance because of the recipes that require it. Oats seem more rare than som...
2 months ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation

T4 infusion Lower than t3

As reported in PTR some t4 has inconsistency. I had found 2 on PTR (Magick and Stealth) Didn't loot any magic yet but the t4 Furtive infusion still gives you only 10 while the the t3 gives you 30%.I was told on discord that t4 magick gives you 8% ...
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Under Investigation

plant troughs

Plant troughs no longer change color when watered. You can no longer see when a trough has been sufficiently watered.
4 months ago in Bugs 0 Under Investigation